Punk rock skateboarders are providing a temporary solution. In fact, there is a growing movement of young boarders who are rolling around Fresno looking for For Sale signs. With an empty house, they break in, drain and clean the pool and skate until they get kicked out by police. While there is no question that these cats are trespassing, they might be doing all of us a favor by getting rid of all the stagnant water overlooked by a failing economy.
Health care reform is a polarizing issue that has an impact on all of us. President Obama's success as a leader will be intimately tied to the revitalization of affordable medical coverage. Medicare is implementing an electronic prescribing incentive program that provides a 2% refund on medicare billing for all physicians that have an accredited electronic prescribing system in place and in use for their medicare covered patients. The refund will turn into a penalty within two years in the hopes of increasing efficiency, decreasing prescription errors, and ultimately lowering costs for government funded coverage.
So wouldn't be nice if there was an easier way to save money? Proto, an excellent quart

Can the knowledge that alcohol based ink is easier to disinfect be applied to other disciplines? Should we encourage skaters to drain our pools in exchange for a little noise and fun? Let's look around, maybe there are more unexpected opportunities.
A joke at every end:
A newly married man asks his wife, "Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?"
"Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have married you no matter who left you a fortune."
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