I didn't even think of this one and I think about germs a lot. A research team in Colorado has shown that there are bacteria present on our shower heads that could negatively affect those with compromised immunities.
This study examined 45 showers in hotels and random houses in various cities. Specifically, the researchers found 100 times more
mycobacterium avium,
a gram positive mycobacteria, shown on the right, in the water coming out of the shower head than in the water coming into it. Bacteria are classified based on a couple of characteristics, including their ability to absorb a stain called Crystal Violet. The majority of harmful bacteria can not retain this purple stain and are called gram negative. Those in good health should not worry about this germ filled study but those already sick should stick with metal shower heads, as they are less likely to breed bacteria than.
Now bacteria are not all bad.
Professor van der Donk at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne is using these tiny organisms to search for compounds that can kill other bacteria. This seems counter intuitive, why would bacteria make antibiotics? Indeed a gram positive bacteria,
Lactococcus, is one of many bacteria that produce bacteriocins or toxins that inhibit the growth of similar bacteria. It seems it might help to be the only bully on the block. This is great for us because we can use these bacteria to identify new compounds

that are medicinally relevant and most importantly have very creative structures. Nisin, shown on the right, is made by an enzyme in
Lactococcus in two steps. While humans have been able to make Nisin in the lab in something like 70 steps. The neat thing about this molecule is that it has been used as an antibacterial in processed food for over 40 years. No resistance has been seen. This is amazing considering the amount of bacterial resistance that we are dealing with in the medical community. Currenlty, the researchers are exploring the relevant chemistry of this compound in order to understand how to make better antibiotics and also to perhaps harness some of these bacterias to make these antibiotics for us.
A joke at every end:
A man is pulled over for driving all over the road.
The cop, suspecting the driver of drinking, walks up to him and says "sir you are going to have to take a breathalyzer test."
"I can't do that," the man responds, "I have asthma and I might start coughing and die."
"Well we have an urine testing kit to measure alcohol level in the back," says the cop."So why don't you pee in a cup for me."
The man says, "I can't do that. I am a diabetic and if I pee I will lose too much sugar, faint, and die."
The cop says, "well then you are gonna have to go the station so we can draw some blood."
The man responds, "well I definitely can't do that. I am a hemophiliac and if I give blood I'll bleed everywhere and die."
"Fine" the cop says, "just get out of the car and walk in a straight line for me."
"I can't do that either," says the man.
"And why the hell not," asks the cop.
"Cause I am drunk," says the man.